Southern Surrogacy’s four directors, Ruth F. Claiborne, Amy Wallas Fox, Lila Newberry Bradley and Lynn Holland Goldman gathered together in Highlands, North Carolina for a 2 day retreat this week. We were nearly snowed in! In addition to making significant progress on business matters, we took a hike, cooked a mean surf and turf dinner and enjoyed beautiful scenery.
Southern Surrogacy Directors’ Retreat
What to look for in an Intended Parent
Communication There are a lot of moving parts in a surrogacy journey and surrogates want to feel like they can communicate with you during...
Introducing the Georgia Fertility Network
Reproductive rights have become a hot topic, especially in the political world. We are proud of one of our Southern Surrogacy Directors, Lynn Goldman...
Southern Surrogacy goes Splatter Painting
Southern Surrogacy took team building to a whole new level with a visit to The Splatter Studio. We sat down with Lynn Goldman to...
Ways to beat the Summer heat when your pregnant or taking hormones to get pregnant
Let’s face it, whether you're already pregnant, or taking hormones to get pregnant, the side effects of either of these scenarios can be downright...
How to choose an attorney for your surrogacy journey
Embarking on a surrogacy journey is an exciting and scary decision, one that brings with it a range of legal and emotional considerations. A...